Without Words: The Visibility of the “Invisible” in Eliza Dee’s Universes

November 27, 2024
Rebecca Finch Vitsmun

The purpose of this article is to present scientific and case evidence for the depiction of the physical conditions (hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (hEDS), Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), and night-blindness), and neurodivergent experiences (Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and hyperphantasia) in the children’s picture book Eliza Dee’s Universes.

Spreading awareness can help those who need specialized care receive the resources and services they need.

It should be noted there is movement to change the phrase “invisible disabilities” to “hidden disabilities” (Sapir & Banai, 2023), “non-visible disabilities” (Kelly & Mutebi, 2023), “non-apparent disabilities” (Lindsey et al., 2024), and there could be other variants. While the word “invisible” is a misnomer, as our conditions come out in how we live our lives, sometimes having these conditions can feel like you are “invisible.” This paper has been created to shed light on the visibility of “invisible” disabilities by connecting silent components of the artwork and presentation of Eliza Dee’s Universes to the traits and symptoms of her conditions.

Simple Definitions

Autism Spectrum Disorder
ASD is a neurological and developmental disorder that affects social interactions, communication, learning, and behavior (NIH, 2024). The American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), is the current criteria for diagnosing ASD (CDC, 2024). The presentation of ASD has been noted to have distinct differences between males and females, though males can present with the “female” phenotype and females can present with the “male” phenotype (Autism Research Institute, 2023).

Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
hEDS is a heritable multi-systemic connective tissue disorder that causes generalized joint hypermobility, musculoskeletal manifestations, joint instability, and chronic pain along with an array of other symptoms and comorbid conditions that affect the body and is believed to affect 1–3% of the general population (Tinkle et al., 2017).

Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome
POTS is a blood circulation disorder that results in a significant increase in heart rate while standing. People with this condition cannot stand in one place for long without symptoms (John Hopkins Medicine, 2022).

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
MCAS is a condition in which a person experiences repeated episodes of significant allergic reactions, such as hives, swelling, low blood pressure, difficulty breathing, and severe diarrhea (symptoms of anaphylaxis) (AAAAI, n.d.).

Night blindness is the inability to see in dark or dim light. It can be caused by several factors, such as vitamin A deficiency (Dowling, 1958) and various genetic mutations (Zeitz et al., 2015).

Hyperphantasia is the condition of having extremely vivid mental imagery that is said to be “as vivid as seeing” (Cossins, 2015) and “photo-like” (Pearson, 2019). People who experience hyperphantasia have extremely detailed memory (Greenberg & Knowlton, 2014) as well the ability to mentally construct projections of future events (D’Argembeau, 2006), such as theories, hypotheses, and fictions (AWN, 2013).

The Relationship Between Eliza’s Conditions

Known as the “trifecta,” EDS, POTS, and MCAS are frequently co-occurring conditions (Walker, 2021). In a study of 48 participants, POTS, Orthostatic Hypotension, or some form of orthostatic intolerance was found in 78% of joint hypermobility syndrome patients compared with 10% of the control group (Gazit et al, 2003). In another study of 35 patients with Joint Hypermobility Syndrome/hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, POTS was found in 48.6% of participants, and Orthostatic Intolerance was found in 31.4% (Celletti et al, 2017). And in a study of 195 participants, the rate of MCAS among those diagnosed with POTS and EDS was 31% versus 2% among the control group (Wang et al, 2021).

Researchers in 2020 proposed that hereditary connective tissue disorders (such as EDS) represent a subtype of autism and suggest connective tissue impairment may influence brain development. More research is needed to determine the exact relationship between these conditions (Casanova et al, 2020).

EDS and Night-blindness
Because the eye is made of 80% connective tissue, various mutations that result in EDS show up in various types of eye issues. Dr. Jefferson Doyle postulates EDS can manifest in night-blindness (2020), but further research would need to be conducted to determine if Eliza’s pathogenic variant mutation at the SLC24a1 that results in her night-blindness (Congenital Stationary Night Blindness) additionally causes her EDS and comorbid conditions.

ASD and Hyperphantasia
While there have not been many studies into hyperphantasia, researchers are finding the presence of a vivid imagination in autistic girls (Knickmeyer, 2007; Penot, 2023). Autistic girls have additionally been associated with hyper-empathy (Lebow, 2022), which is in alignment with emotional hyper-imagination as is seen in hyperphantasia (Milton et al, 2021). More research is needed into the experience of hyperphantasia in autistic women and girls.

Representation in Eliza Dee’s Universes

In this section, instances of representation of Eliza’s conditions are followed by a brief explanation of their depiction and essential notes.

Physical Conditions
The depiction of Eliza Dee’s physical conditions, EDS, POTS, MCAS, and night blindness traits include, but are not limited to, the following.

The zebra is the mascot of EDS.
In med school, doctors are taught, “When you hear hoofbeats behind you, don’t expect to see a zebra.” EDS is a multi-systemic connective tissue disorder that results in many body differences in patients. In the same way you wouldn’t use a horse doctor to properly treat a zebra, EDS patients need specialized care. Because doctors are not appropriately educated on the existence of EDS, many patients have been significantly denied proper care on the way to their diagnosis (The Ehlers-Danlos Society, n.d.).

EDS/POTS patients can find it challenging to sit with their legs outstretched.
Thought to be due to an impairment in the connective tissue that would typically send the blood back up to the brain, blood can pool in the legs of EDS patients, causing the heart to race as it tries to maintain the oxygen being sent to the brain (Hakin et al., 2017). Common sitting positions for EDS/POTS patients can be concave-sitting (54.15%) or w-sitting (39.21%) (Lamari, 2022). They can also be seen sitting knees to chest (Rowe, 2018), reverse-w-sitting, sitting on top of their feet, with severely twisted legs, or other positions that compress or elevate the legs. While other children may sit like this occasionally, without aid, children experiencing symptoms of these conditions will be seen in these positions most of the time when seated. If you require children to “sit correctly,” you could be limiting the blood supply to a child’s brain.

hEDS is related to an impairment in proprioception (Castori, 2012).
Eliza has an impairment of her sense of where her body is in space.

“Bending your body for entertainment purposes, such as “party tricks” that move joints beyond a normal range of motion, can lead to long-term complications.”
Part of the natural history of hEDS patients includes performing “party tricks” using their joint laxity as children and adolescents, entering into pain in their second decade, and finally entering into stiffness in their fifties and beyond (Tinkle et al., 2017). Repeated over-stretching can lead to dislocations and subluxations (Parry, n.d.). This text was developed in conjunction with a Research Specialist from the Norris Lab, leading hEDS researchers, via email in 2022 for the back matter of Eliza Dee’s Universes. “Party tricks” in youth can lead to significant issues later in life.

MCAS patients are commonly allergic to pollen (TMS, n.d.).
One of the reasons Eliza dreams of the universe of flowers is because she loves the look of flowers, but she could have an allergic reaction that lasts for days if she comes into contact with them.

All star depictions are specifically incorrect.
Unless they develop it later in life, people with night blindness cannot understand what stars look like to people who can see them. Eliza uses her special interests in art and astronomy to imagine what’s in the nighttime sky. Her birth constellation, Pisces, is always present.

Night-blind people risk tripping and falling in the dark without aid (Mehra & Le, 2022).
Eliza is depicted being carried to the observatory, because she could easily trip and fall while walking in the dark. Lighting that would typically be sufficient to assist others is not enough for her eyes.


The depiction of Eliza Dee’s neurodivergent traits includes, but is not limited to, the following.

Autistic girls are significantly associated with creative special interests (Uljarević et al., 2022).
Eliza’s interest in art is common for autistic girls.

Autistic girls are associated with having special interests in animals (Hendrix, 2017).
Eliza’s interest in zebras aligns with typical interests in autistic girls.

Astronomy is a common special interest for autistic people (Cameron, 2023).
Eliza’s special interest is considered common for autistic people. Many famous astronomers in history are believed to have been autistic (Simion, n.d.), including Sir Isaac Newton (Muir, 2003).

Autistic special interests in females are associated with camouflaging (Hull et al., 2020).
With viewing stars being a ubiquitous way that human beings share experience, Eliza’s special interest in astronomy developed out of camouflaging her night blindness while “pretending to be normal” (Holliday, 2015).

13% of autistic children become obsessed with a television show (Uljarević, 2022).
For Eliza, it is a show with an astronaut zebra named Cutie.

Eliza’s drawing at her desk is of her favorite show.
As an artistic autistic child who is obsessed with a show, Eliza’s drawing is of a planet from her Cutie poster.

Eliza’s first new universe depicts outer space from her favorite show.
As Eliza is flying through the new universe she creates, the planet from her drawing and the look of the “space” from the posters on the wall next to her desk are present.

In the final illustration, Eliza is presumably picturing herself sitting on the planet Cutie lives on in her favorite show.
With the planet in the sky and what seems to be nighttime on a planet, Cutie is seen without the space helmet depicted on the poster in her room, and it can be assumed this is his home world from her favorite show. Because Eliza has seen this show so frequently, she can picture every detail of the experience of being with him in a scene of the show where Cutie is looking into his world’s nighttime sky.

Having one or more special interests may be related to communication impairment (Uljarević et al., 2021).
While Eliza is not depicted speaking and the book is inclusive of nonverbal autistic people, if she did speak, her ability to communicate would be caged by her intense special interests. She may find difficulties relating to the interests of others or putting time into topics outside of her interests. She could sound like she speaks “nearly constantly,” but her speaking abilities would be limited in topic and she could struggle to understand what things are or are not important (Hendrickx, 2017).

Autistic children struggle with emotional regulation (White et al., 2014) and can find crumpling paper soothing.
Her crumpled papers in her trash depict a child who struggles with emotional regulation, as some autistic children may crumple papers after perceiving “mistakes” (Mazefsky et al., 2013). Eliza may use this action for self-soothing (Hidden Treasures, 2018).

Autistic girls are associated with pixies.
Despite the association of the Manic Pixie Dream Girl trope with autistic girls, it’s essential to remember Eliza is a child who is sitting on some grass who has a very dense filter and needs significant support she does not have the ability to communicate effectively about (Gray-Hammond, 2020). Seeing a girl that gives the “little pixie wrapped up in her thoughts” vibe can be a symptom of ASD in women and girls.

Jumping is a common autistic stim (Kilian-Ross, 2021; McCarty & Brumback, 2021).
Eliza’s love of puddle jumping and jumping in her fantasies relates to her sensory seeking.

Autistic children can have mixed feelings about water (Bloh, 2023; Hickman, 2019).
Eliza loves puddle jumping, but not being rained on. Her adult caregiver is understanding of her seemingly unaligned feelings and protects her from the rain while she jumps in a puddle.

Autistic children can fear weather (Mayes et al., 2013).
Eliza’s ability to see the sunshine through the rain can give some readers a different way of thinking about weather. This was confirmed in the feedback of one of the first ten people ever to read Eliza Dee’s Universes.

Dancing is therapeutic for autistic children (Morris et al., 2023), but caution is needed with hypermobility.
Eliza’s enjoyment of dance is related to receiving therapy in alignment with the advice of physicians, though Eliza would have needed specialized dance classes designed for children with hypermobility to receive safe therapeutic benefits (Chan, 2018; Day et al., 2011).

Autistic females are associated with attempting to socialize through their special interests (Hendrickx, 2017).
In the book’s final line, Eliza thinks about sharing her newfound special interest in creating new universes with others and what kind of amazing things they would say or create.

They say about autistic children, “They’re in their own little world.”
Autistic women and girls are known for creating entire worlds in their heads and escaping into those worlds (Hendrickx, 2017). The use of “little” in this context is considered ableism (Turk, 2020). Eliza can explore her own expansive universes.

63.2% of autistic girls create imaginary companions.
Eliza’s creation of imaginary companions, such as personifying her Cutie stuffie, may enable her to be significantly more likely to be interested in making friends and spending time with them than children who do not do this (Davis et al., 2023).

Hyperphantasia is associated with exceptional autobiographical memory recall (Milton et al., 2021).
As Eliza sits on the grass during the sunset, her mind takes off thinking about her special interests with photo-like memories of herself that come in flash memories that she has connected in her mind.

Autistic people are associated with patterned thinking (Dunne, 2024).
Eliza’s hyperphantasia starts with a human rhythmic pattern of looking into the sky and considering the sun, the moon, and the stars. She can run this thought pattern in her mind repeatedly to see what her brain comes up with next as it continues to push further into what it is capable of dreaming.

Eliza’s caregiver’s gender cannot be ascertained.
Whether her mother, father, nurse, babysitter, aunt, uncle, or grandparent, Eliza’s caregiver’s gender cannot be determined. Gender diversity is correlated with neurodivergent traits (Warrier et al., 2020).

Elements of the Book

Many neurodivergent people self-identify as overusing punctuation (Brecheens, 2022).
The book overuses ellipses for the inclusion of this writing style.

“Where science ends, imagination begins.”
Einstein, who was believed to be autistic (James, 2003; Muir, 2003), said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge,” and it “embraces the entire world” (1929). Hypotheses are a part of science that allows itself to tap into imagination, as was the intent of Einstein’s quote (Siegel, 2023), to find what more can be shown to be observable and not merely imagined. So, for the purposes of this sentence, science, in relation to any specific subset of thoughts, is presumed to “end” at the rejected hypothesis.

For Eliza, there is a distinct difference between what she experiences, learns, and observes and what she dreams. Past the seriousness of reality, as autistic women and girls are known for being honest (The Art of Autism, 2019), logical, straightforward, and principled (Hendrickx, 2017), she is free to explore her imagination and play.

I released a video on this language from the back cover of the book that has been privately reviewed by a cosmologist who said, “makes sense,” the president and founder of a nuclear laboratory who said, “PERFECT!!!”, a mathematical physicist, microbiologist, marine biologist, pod of high school science teachers, and many other scientists and educators from many fields and backgrounds who have been excited about how I have demonstrated this language (Vitsmun, 2024).

People with these conditions can have any background.
The answer to “What is the beam of light?” is left up to the reader’s interpretation to keep the story inclusive of all backgrounds. Whatever every individual believes gives them the ability to create, to live, to breathe; that is the answer to “What is the beam of light?”.


Dialectical Behavioral Therapy may be beneficial for autistic people with emotional or sensory difficulties (Keenan et al, 2021).

EDS, POTS, and MCAS are 3 common comorbid conditions, but depending on the location of the mutation, EDS patients experience a vast array of other comorbid conditions. A thorough book on this topic is Disjointed: Navigating the Diagnosis and Management of hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders (Jovin et al, 2020).


I am not a doctor or medical professional.
Originally Completed: February 29, 2024 Rare Disease Day! (coincidence)
Last updated: November 26, 2024


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Educational material for Eliza Dee’s Universes

Request Eliza Dee’s Universes from your library’s website

For Adults
Without Words: The Visibility of the “Invisible” in Eliza Dee’s Universes
This article contains a list of the ways in which Eliza’s hidden disabilities are depicted in the artwork, concepts, and punctuation throughout Eliza Dee’s Universes. It additionally has links to the evidence supporting the depiction.

The Visibility of the “Invisible”
This PowerPoint series from American Humanist Association’s 84th Annual Conference in 2024 breaks down hidden disabilities into types, symptoms of each type, looks at statistics involved, reasons for underdiagnosis, and practical solutions for communities wanting to be more inclusive. Watch this presentation here.

For Older Students
Narrative Writing Worksheet

For Younger Students
Write About It Worksheets
Draw Your Own Universe Portrait Worksheet, Landscape Worksheet

For Preschoolers
Coloring Worksheets

Last updated: November 27, 2024 15:34 PST