Previous Appearances

See my ARCHIVE OF APPEARANCES for older podcasts, interviews, speaking engagements, and more.

The educational interviews below are designed for parents, caregivers, teachers, and other adults.

The Parenting Horizons Podcast – October 5, 2024. I join Julie Ross, M.A. and Gregory Abbey to discuss experiences as an autistic mother with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome with neurodivergent children. You’ll not only learn more about autism but also EDS, hyperphantasia, and other “invisible” disabilities and how to spot them in your children. Visit this link to learn more about Parenting Horizons.

American Humanist Association 83rd Annual Conference – September 14, 2024. I discuss the visibility of “invisible” disabilities in the world all around us, by first discussing what hidden disabilities are, the symptoms of each type, and what human beings can do with this information to build more inclusive communities. Visit this link for more information about American Humanists Association.

Recovering from Religion – Recorded on July 8, 2024; uploaded September 14, 2024. I joined Kara Griffin and Helen Green of RfR to have a conversation about the visibility of “invisible” conditions and my book. Visit this link to learn more about Recovering from Religion.

Divergent Dialogues Podcast – August 25, 2024. Listen to the full episode here. I join Caitlin Hughes and Teena Mogler to discuss hyperphantasia and we discover Caitlin has the experience as we are speaking about it. Visit this link for more about Divergent Dialogues Podcast.

Different Ability® Podcast – August 20, 2024. Listen to full episode here. I join Katey Fortun to discuss my experiences in childhood through high school while unable to feel my body, bone on bone pain in the middle of my head, and as a hyperphantasiac autistic child with hEDS who was later labeled a physics savant. I additionally discuss neurodivergent parenting. To learn more about the Different Ability® Podcast, please visit Katey’s website for more information.

All Over The Place with the Autigender Unicorn – July 23, 2024. I, Rebecca Vitsmun, The Autigender Unicorn, describe what it means to be autigender, why I don’t have pronoun preferences, what it’s like to experience life as a genetic “unicorn”, and why this show is called All Over the Place.

Different Spectrums Podcast – June 17, 2024. 15-minute preview below. Watch the full episode here.
Description: Dr. Naz, Spencer, and I delve deeply into the experience of hyperphantasia, covering what it looks like, how it feels to the person experiencing it, how to interact with a person who has it, pitfalls and how to deal with them, the amazing depiction of it in (my favorite movie) Aronofsky’s 2006 masterpiece The Fountain brilliantly portrayed by Hugh Jackman, coping with picturing death, and processing grief. Dr. Naz discovers he experiences hyperphantasia as we speak. The 15-minute preview here is mostly of the clips I selected for us to use to discuss the topic in the full episode. To learn more about Different Spectrums Podcast visit their

Special Needs Moms – Circle of Strength – June 12, 2024. Listen to full episode here.
Description: In this interview, Valerie Arbeau and I talk about “invisible” disabilities, how to be inclusive, and setting a tone of growth in your home. To learn more about Valerie Arbeau and her podcast, you can visit her website.

The Neurodiverging Podcast – June 6, 2024. Full podcast below. Episode website is here.
Description: Danielle Sullivan and I talk about how Eliza Dee’s Universes was made, the difference between it and other books that are available, hyperphantasia (what it looks like and the unseen abilities that come with it), and parenting advice as a neurodivergent person with neurodivergent kids.
To learn more about The Neurodiverging Podcast visit Danielle’s website.

Neurocuriosity Club – April 20, 2024. Listen to the full episode here.
Description: Megan Griffith and I discuss the path to writing the book, hyperphantasia (what it is and how to tell if you experience it), and my path to discovering my hEDS and autism (from a confused young person to now at age 41). To learn more about Megan and Neurocuriosity Club, visit her website.

The Line – February 23, 2024. John Gleason and I answer the question, “is god good for children,” (at the 8:30 minute mark), and then take live calls.

Godless Engineer – February 7, 2024. John Gleason and I discuss Eliza Dee’s Universes.

Aron Ra – January 24, 2024. Aron Ra and I discuss the origins of Eliza Dee’s Universes.

The Line – July 31, 2023. Aron Ra and I take live calls and I reveal I have a book coming out called Eliza Dee’s Universes.

The Ehlers Danlos Society Global Learning Conference 2024 – July 17-21, 2024. Thank you to the Ehlers-Danlos Society for allowing EDS creators like myself a space to table at your convention!

Job Carr Cabin Museum – July 8, 2024. Thank you to the Job Carr Cabin Museum for hosting a reading and being the first Little Library to receive a copy of Eliza Dee’s Universes.

See my ARCHIVE OF APPEARANCES for older podcasts, interviews, speaking engagements, and more.